Lawrence County E-911 Board of Directors Convened on Monday

On Monday, February 24th, the Lawrence County E-911 Board of Directors convened at the Jason Dickey Memorial Training Center for their regular meeting. During this session, board members were presented with the findings of the 2024 financial audit, which confirmed that the communications district is in a robust financial position.

In addition to reviewing the audit results, the board engaged in discussions regarding routine budget amendments. A significant decision made during the meeting was the approval for the acquisition of a new dispatch recording system. Furthermore, Director Chad Moore received authorization to transfer an out-of-service vehicle to another city or county agency, streamlining resources within the region.

Director Moore also provided an update on the new address fee system for E-911, which was put into effect in November. This system aims to enhance the efficiency of emergency services in the area. Additionally, Lawrence County Fire Director Tyler McDow addressed several concerns related to the county-wide radio coverage essential for fire protection and other agencies. He proposed that the E-911 board consider coordinating system maintenance, tower leasing, and other related matters that are currently managed by various agencies independently.

The board concluded the meeting by noting that the next E-911 board meeting will be scheduled for a future date and location, which will be announced later.