Lawrenceburg City Council Convenes for Meeting

The Lawrenceburg City Council is scheduled to convene for its Regular Session at 9:00 AM on February 13, 2025. This meeting will take place in the Council Meeting Room located within the Lawrenceburg Municipal Complex. Individuals who wish to speak to the Council regarding any items on the agenda are required to sign in prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Among the topics set for discussion are the Mike West Retirement Award, which honors the contributions of a valued community member. Additionally, the Council will conduct the first reading of the fiscal year budget for 2024-25, an important step in the financial planning process for the city. Other agenda items include matters related to the board of zoning appeals, as well as the application for the Lawrenceburg Fire and Rescue 2025 grant. The meeting will also cover several other resolution items that are yet to be detailed.